Site Visit: Millersburg
We are featuring Mr. Rehab’s mainline and lateral grout crew with this month’s site visit. Crew Lead Jason Tressler and his assistant Nate Terry were in Millersburg, PA to perform lateral grouting maintenance after installation of CIPP lining. The laterals in lined pipe typically require grout sealing due to the potential for infiltration at the annular space within the connection’s mainline opening. The grout is injected to seal the annular space preventing groundwater from infiltrating.
Mr. Rehab uses a specialized lateral packer that expands and isolates the house connection at the main. An air tight seal is created and a two part chemical grout is subsequently pumped into the annular space that sets as a gel like sealant. A final air test is then performed to confirm that a proper seal is achieved and the connection is complete. From there it’s on to the next one and so on.
- A winch cable is connected to the packer and camera to pull them through the line during grouting operations.
- Jason and Nate get the packer out of the truck.
- Nate pours a liquid lubricant onto the lateral bladder to help with the inflation function when it is filled with air and shot into the house connection.
- Jason lowers the packer into the manhole. The winch cable will be connected to it and then it will be pulled through the line.
- Pre lateral grout injection
- Post lateral grout injection
- Pre lateral grout injection
- Post lateral grout injection